Aagraha Foundation

" Rebuilding Life "

Drug & Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Center

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment and Support at Aagraha Foundation: Leading Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre in Bhubaneswar

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction? Aagraha Foundation, a leading rehabilitation centre in Bhubaneswar, offers comprehensive treatment and support for individuals battling addiction. Our drug de-addiction centre specializes in providing personalized care and attention to help individuals overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling life.

Integrated Approach to Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a complex disease that requires personalized care and attention. That is why Aagraha Foundation offers an integrated approach that includes medical detoxification, counselling, therapy, and aftercare services to ensure a successful recovery. Our de-addiction centre has a team of experienced doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists who work together to provide the best possible care to our clients.

Accessible Care for All

As a non-profit organization, our primary focus is on helping individuals and families who are struggling with addiction, regardless of their financial situation. Our services are available at affordable rates, and we are committed to providing high-quality care and support to our clients. At Aagraha Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to recover from addiction.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

We are proud to have been ISO 9001:2015 certified, which is a testament to our commitment to providing quality care and services to our clients. This certification is a rigorous process that ensures we meet international standards for quality management. At Aagraha Foundation, we take quality management seriously, and our rehab centre uses World Health Organisation (WHO) International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders.

Recovery is Possible

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we are here to help. Our de-addiction centre offers a range of services to help individuals overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling life. Please explore our website to learn more about our services and how we can help you on your journey to recovery.

Addiction can be a challenging and overwhelming disease to overcome, but it is possible with the right support and care. At Aagraha Foundation, we are committed to helping individuals and families overcome addiction and lead a fulfilling life. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you on your journey to recovery.

 Need Help For Your Loved Ones?

Helping Hand

The problem with addiction is that the addict isn't the only one who suffers from it. Family and friends may struggle with the addict's conduct, financial and legal issues, and the daily struggle of supporting a loved one. Here are some suggestions for family and friends who want to help a loved one who is addicted.

Read in detail >>>

The Devastating Effects of Drug Addiction on Individuals and Society

Drug addiction is not just an individual problem; it is a social issue that affects everyone around the person struggling with addiction. It normalizes drug use and has a cascading effect on the individual, their families, and society.

Health Consequences of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction has various health consequences that can devastate the abuser's body. When a person becomes addicted to a substance, there is a high chance that by the time they realize they need help, it is too late. They have already become dependent on the substance, and every time they attempt to quit, they experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. This can lead to relapse, causing the individual to take ever-increasing amounts of the substance and preventing them from regaining their health.

Impact on Families, Relationships, and Jobs

Drug addiction not only has physical and psychological consequences, but it also destroys families, relationships, and jobs. The addiction can consume the individual's life, causing them to neglect their responsibilities, resulting in job loss, and creating financial instability. The behaviour and actions of the addicted individual can strain relationships with family and friends, leading to isolation and loss of support.

Impact on Society

Drug addiction also impacts society. It creates a burden on the healthcare system, law enforcement agencies, and social services. It can also lead to increased crime rates, as individuals may resort to illegal activities to obtain drugs or money to buy drugs. Furthermore, it can lead to a loss of productivity in the workforce, as individuals struggling with addiction may not be able to perform their jobs effectively.

Getting Help

Drug addiction is a complex disease that requires personalized care and attention. It is crucial for individuals struggling with addiction to seek professional help to overcome their addiction. Drug treatment and rehabilitation centres like Aagraha Foundation offer comprehensive treatment and support to help individuals overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling life.

Drug addiction has devastating effects on individuals, their families, and society. It is crucial for individuals struggling with addiction to seek professional help to overcome their addiction and prevent the negative consequences that come with it. Remember, recovery is possible, and seeking help is the first step towards a better life.

Man Finds New Life After Treatment 

Our Treatment Options Include: 


Drug And Alcohol Detox:

A comprehensive detoxification program and treatment plan must address both the psychological impacts of drug addiction and the physical effects of withdrawal. Once a person decides to get rid of all traces of drugs from their system and cease their dependence on one or more drugs, detox is the first step toward wellness. 

Depending on the extent of their drug usage, some people may find this process to be very challenging on both a physical and emotional level. 

We offer private inpatient detox facilities with twenty-four-hour supervision to allow a comfortable process. 

Mental Illnesses

Dual Diagnosis:

Underlying mental illnesses and co-occurring disorders can be the driving force behind substance addiction. This program helps identify and treat these conditions to offer you the best chance of long-term recovery. 

Process of CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:

CBT involves identifying thoughts and behavioural patterns that contribute to your addiction, and it helps build new, healthy behaviours that you can incorporate into everyday life. 

Group Discussion

Residential Treatment:

The inpatient setting at Aagraha Foundation provides a secure atmosphere for those getting therapy. They are continuously supervised by qualified professionals. We take away the challenges, difficulties, and pressures of daily life. The recuperation and improvement of their health are the clients' top priorities. 

Once clients have received all necessary medical clearances, residential treatment can begin. Clients are prepared to begin inpatient programming as withdrawal symptoms have stabilized. 

As part of the comprehensive treatment, mental health issues are also addressed. Depression, bipolar illness, anxiety, and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are frequently co-occurring conditions that are treated by Aagraha Foundation.